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Some parties falling into neighbouring country’s trap

BNP acting chairman Tarique Rahman yesterday alleged that “some” political parties are making misleading statements, having fallen into a trap set by a “neighbouring country”.
He also said that the BNP would continue its movement until voting rights and democracy are restored in Bangladesh.
“The dictator has fallen. But conspiracies are still on,” Tarique said while virtually addressing a public rally at Kalaroa Football Ground in Satkhira.
“We’ve seen in the last few days that some political parties or organisations got misled and made some remarks. They have stepped into the trap of a neighbouring country. So, they’re spreading confusion,” he said, without naming any party or the neighbouring country.
The BNP leader urged the people to stay vigilant to thwart the “old conspiracies still going on from inside and outside the country”. The conspirators do not want the people of this country to get back their democratic rights, he said.
He said that though “dictator” Sheikh Hasina was overthrown by the mass uprising, “our desired goal – the political rights of the people – remains unachieved”.
“BNP’s movement will continue until the people’s rights to vote and speak are established,” he added.
Tarique said the BNP’s movement will continue until a “people’s government is established and the people’s representatives get the opportunity to work for the development of their localities, the people and the country”.
